Emergency Heating Solutions: What You Should Do If Your Furnace Fails This Winter

Man Suffering From Cold

As the weather turns colder, Colorado residents need emergency heating solutions they can count on. A furnace failure can quickly become dangerous on the chilliest days of the year, which is why Balance Point Heating, Cooling & Plumbing is here to lend our expertise and provide the most reliable furnace repair in Fort Collins.

From the moment you reach out to our heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals, we’ll move quickly to solve your furnace problems. Enjoy a warm, toasty home this winter by giving us a call or filling out our online form!

Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Your Furnace Fails

When your furnace stops working during a freezing Fort Collins winter, you need reliable heating services you can rely on. Here’s what to do next to restore warmth to your home quickly.

Check Your Thermostat Settings

Sometimes, the reason why your furnace stops working is as simple as your thermostat settings. Often, family members will adjust the temperature without mentioning it to anyone and forget to turn it back to normal.

Before you call for emergency furnace repair, first check to see if the thermostat is turned on. Then, make sure the heating mode is selected. The thermostat should also be set to the appropriate temperature.

To save money on your energy bill and make setting your thermostat a little easier, consider installing a programmable thermostat. The latest thermostats allow you to program different settings for each day or time, and they can be accessed remotely.

Seal Any Drafts

Unfortunately, drafts are a fairly common issue around electrical outlets, doors, and windows. They can cause your heating system to work harder by letting heat escape. If you notice unusually cold air or a breeze in any room, take a moment to look for the draft and seal it up.

Check the Power Supply

If the power supply is turned off or disconnected, the furnace will stop functioning. Because of this, one of the first troubleshooting tips is to see if the furnace has power. 

Afterward, check the breaker panel. Any electrical overload will cause the breakers to trip and stop power from flowing out of the panel. If one of the breakers has flipped, you can try returning it to its correct position. However, don’t flip the same breaker twice. If the breaker immediately trips again, it means there is an underlying electrical problem that needs to be fixed. 

Change the Air Filters

Typically, manufacturers recommend that you change or clean your air filter every 30 to 90 days. This timeline can vary significantly depending on your usage, how dusty the air is, and the specifications for your unit.

One of the most important things you can do to protect your furnace is to replace your air filter regularly. The filter is designed to keep dust and contaminants out of the rest of your unit. If dust gets into other components, it can cause added wear and unexpected breakdowns.

Switch Off Your Unit

When you aren’t sure what the problem is, the best option is to turn off your furnace. Electrical malfunctions and gas leaks can be hazardous to your health, so you don’t want to risk your family’s well-being and safety. Even if the repair problem isn’t dangerous, allowing the furnace to keep operating places an added strain on the other components and leads to unnecessary wear.

Get Professional Help

At Balance Point Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, we have years of experience in providing fast heating repair. If something isn’t working properly in your furnace, you don’t want to just hope for the best. By scheduling top-rated furnace service, you can quickly determine the underlying problem and enjoy a cozy home again. 

Common Furnace Problems That Mean You Need Professional Help

When snowy weather and chilly temperatures arrive in Colorado, you need 24-hour furnace repair that you can count on. Our team of certified technicians is on hand around the clock. We know furnaces don’t fall apart during business hours, so we make sure our team is available at all times of the day and night. 

Signs Your Furnace Needs Professional Repairs and Maintenance

If you experience any of the following problems, it’s time to reach out to the best heating repair near you for expert assistance.

  • Clogged Filters: A clogged filter reduces airflow and can prevent your furnace from doing its job. Because of this, you should make sure your filter is changed regularly.
  • Faulty Blowers: If the blower isn’t working, you’ll notice weird sounds, frequent cycling, and restricted airflow. A malfunctioning blower can cause added wear on the rest of your HVAC system, so it’s important to get it repaired as soon as possible. 
  • Short Cycling: Sometimes, furnaces can turn on and off more frequently than they are supposed to. This can be caused by many different problems, so you should schedule local furnace repair to get the issue remedied.
  • Pilot Light: A functioning pilot light should burn steadily and be a blue color. Flickering or yellow hues indicate incomplete combustion. Because carbon monoxide buildup can be dangerous, it’s important to arrange for heating repair services right away. 
  • Odd Smells: If your furnace smells like it is burning or you notice the scent of sulfur, you need to get help right away. While sulfur odors mean you may have a gas leak, burning smells are an indication of electrical malfunctions. Well-maintained furnaces shouldn’t produce any unusual scents, so it’s important to schedule professional repairs as soon as you notice an unusual smell.
  • Weird Sounds: Grinding, banging, rattling, and squealing noises are signs that something needs to be repaired in your furnace.

When Should You Call for Emergency Furnace Repair? 

Through the best furnace repair in Fort Collins, you can protect your family’s safety and ensure your home is ready for wintry weather. As a general rule, you should always reach out for heating repair near you if there may be a safety issue involved. For example, you should always seek help if there is a gas leak or electrical malfunction.

During wintertime, temperatures can average around or below 22°F in Fort Collins. If your furnace breaks on a particularly cold day, you don’t want to freeze in a chilly room for long. Anytime your furnace is broken in cold weather, you should always call for help. 

When it comes down to it, the best option is to prevent furnace repairs from becoming necessary. By scheduling your furnace maintenance and repair for winter before cold weather sets in, you can avoid unexpected furnace failures. 

The Advantages of Emergency Furnace Repair Service 

As soon as you notice a potential furnace problem, reach out to our experienced team for emergency furnace repairs. By working with Balance Point for your furnace repairs, you can enjoy a number of important advantages.

Receive 24/7 Support

Your HVAC system won’t schedule a breakdown in advance. When your furnace fails, you need a team you trust to provide around-the-clock support. At Balance Point, we’re available around the clock to diagnose and repair common furnace issues. 

Protect Your Warranty 

When you get a new furnace, it will often come with a manufacturer’s warranty. However, the manufacturer will typically have rules about when you need to get it maintained and who can perform the repairs. If you try to do DIY repairs, it can void your warranty. Plus, Balance Point offers a satisfaction guarantee, so you can rest assured about your furnace’s performance.

Discover Better Peace of Mind 

When you work with a professional HVAC technician, you can enjoy better peace of mind. You don’t want to leave your family’s safety to chance. At Balance Point, we have years of experience in helping local residents with all types of furnace breakdowns, so we know how to protect your furnace’s integrity and your home.

Save on Your Energy Bill

If your furnace has faulty parts, it will be unable to operate at its peak performance. Because it must work harder to reach the same temperature, it will use more energy. By getting emergency furnace service, you can improve your energy efficiency and spend less on your power bill.

Improve Air Quality 

Today, Americans spend an estimated 90% of their time indoors. If the furnace is badly repaired or has a dirty filter, it can worsen air quality. Poor air quality can lead to allergies, respiratory ailments, and asthma attacks. By repairing and maintaining your furnace, you can protect the respiratory health of your loved ones and boost your indoor air quality.

Enhance Performance

Through the help of our local furnace repair company, you can improve the performance of your furnace this winter. As snow starts to fall, your loved ones will be snugly cozied up indoors.

Avoid Additional Damage

One of the most important reasons to find heating repair near you is to prevent additional damage. When repairs aren’t fixed promptly, they are more likely to spiral out of control. While a timely repair may cost more money in the short run, it can end up saving you money in the future by preventing additional damage from happening. 

Keep the cold weather from taking over your home this winter. Call our team for fast, reliable emergency heating solutions in Fort Collins!


Over the years, our clients have asked a few common questions about furnace repair in Fort Collins. 

How long does the average furnace last in Colorado?

If a furnace has been cared for, it will often last 15 to 20 years. However, this figure can change based on maintenance consistency, usage patterns, and the climate in the region.

Is my furnace supposed to make noise? 

While a clicking, popping, or low humming noise is often heard when a furnace is first starting, this noise shouldn’t last for long. Any ongoing or excessive noises are signs of a major problem. If you notice weird sounds, reach out to our 24-hour furnace repair for help. 

How long does it take to repair a furnace? 

In most cases, it takes only a few hours to complete a furnace repair. After a certified technician arrives at your home, they will quickly take a look at the problem and determine the best course of action. Before they begin the repairs, they’ll discuss the best options for your furnace and how long the entire process will take.

Why isn’t my furnace blowing cold air? 

If your furnace isn’t blowing hot air anymore, there are a few common causes that may be at fault. Faulty pilot lights, ignition problems, thermostat settings, and overheating can all cause the furnace to blow cold air. These issues are challenging to diagnose on your own, so it’s important to seek our fast heating repair services to repair your furnace.

Do you provide heating repair services in my area? 

Our team is known for providing exceptional furnace repairs throughout the Loveland and Fort Collins area. If you’re shivering in a cold home, our team is here to help.

How often do I need to schedule furnace maintenance? 

To prevent furnace breakdowns, the best thing you can do is schedule routine maintenance appointments. By getting your furnace maintained each fall, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns and fix minor problems before they escalate. 

Can I install my furnace alone? 

A DIY furnace installation is never the best idea. Many manufacturers specifically require furnaces to be installed by a professional to protect the warranty. In addition, an improperly installed furnace is more likely to break down or have safety issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended to hire a certified technician for furnace installation

Why is there water leaking near my furnace? 

If you notice water near your furnace, it may be from the humidifier, secondary heat exchanger, or condensation. Because there are multiple potential causes, it’s essential to schedule professional furnace repairs to discover and fix the source of the water.

Enjoy High-Quality Emergency Furnace Services in Fort Collins 

When winter arrives, nothing beats cozying up with loved ones as snow falls outside. Through the best heating solutions in Fort Collins, you can ensure your home is warm on the coldest days of the year. Our team of experienced HVAC technicians has the expertise you need to achieve the best furnace performance and efficiency possible. 
Don’t waste your winter shivering in a cold home. Call for top-rated heating services today!

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